Monday, September 28, 2009

Inflation a Risk Without Foreign Debt Buyers: Robertson - Economy * US * News * Story -

US May Face 'Armageddon' If China, Japan Don't Buy Debt.

US is too dependent on Japan and China buying up the country's debt and could face severe economic problems if that stops. We could see 15-20% inflation.

The only way to avoid the problem, he said, is to "grow and save our way out of it."

The U.S. has to quit spending, cut back, start saving, and scale backward

Inflation a Risk Without Foreign Debt Buyers: Robertson - Economy * US * News * Story -

Sunday, September 20, 2009

NYC CAN MARCH FOR ANSWERS MARCH FOR ANSWERS. 9/11 controlled demolition. 80,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition to put a call for a new 9/11 investigation on a city ballot. As with every other NYC ballot initiative, the City of New York is denying the will of its people to vote on the issues it considers most important. On Sept 9, 09, the City conceded NYC CAN did in fact submit enough valid signatures to put the referendum before the voters. Now NYC CAN is battling to prove the petition is legally valid. On Sept 28, 09, the referee will report on the petition’s legality, and a final determination will be made in the days that follow.

"on September 9 the City conceded NYC CAN did in fact submit enough valid signatures to put the referendum before the voters. Now NYC CAN is battling to prove the petition is legally valid. On September 28, the referee will report on the petition’s legality, and a final determination will be made in the days that follow."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Germany boosts terrorism alert level. Afghan freedom fighters ready to use terror to end occupation of their country.

Afghan armed resistance: "If the September 27, 09 German elections vote into power parties that do not pledge to pull German troops from Afghanistan, there will be a "rude awakening." ..threat of terror attacks in Germany? ... Western campaign of violent occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan brought the awakening of terror threats.

"If the German people vote for peace, then the Mujahedeen will choose peace with Germany as well", latest message of a speaker said. ..... with the withdrawal of the last German soldier from Afghanistan, the last Mujahed will also leave Germany. Al Qaeda gives you their word."

Germany boosts terrorism alert level -

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

US power is fading? Results of Bush Republican industries, jobs exporting, of market corruption, of colonial wars of aggression.

'A weakened United States could start retreating from the world stage without help from its allies abroad'.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan exposed limits to military strength, near-collapse of financial markets sapped the economic base.

"Clearly the U.S. share of 'global power,' however measured, is in decline... rise in the relative power of China, India, Russia and the European Union has made it harder for the U.S. to exercise its influence.

The report also claimed that the U.S. had lost traction in its efforts to contain Iran's nuclear program and bring peace to the Middle East. ..

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

Friday, September 11, 2009

Is another 9/11 set to unfold? Nukes to be exploded from a small plane over New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles?

Only as another provocation inside job by war empire. 9/11 needs to be investigated and guilty war empire revealed and disabled, otherwise, yes, big false attack upon America might happen again.
my comment: This article completely forgets that 9/11 is a controlled demolition, inside job operation made to happen with high inside leading role. Nukes should explode in America? Maybe when war empire will feel mortally endangered by revealing who carried out 9/11 controlled demolition - them did that - so they will orchestrate another, perhaps bigger, 9/11 attacks. These forces of war empire need to be stopped..

Deseret News | Is another 9/11 set to unfold?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

7/7/5 London Bombings an inside job

"Even more suspicious is the revelation, made on the day of the events by Peter Power, a former Scotland Yard anti-terror expert, that they were conducting security drills on 7/7 that simulated the exact type of attack in the exact stations at the exact time of the actual events. “…At half-past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise…based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning”.

This is again reminiscent of the 9/11 events in the US where 15 or more drills and military exercises, some simulating hijackings, some even simulating planes crashing into buildings, were being conducted at the same time as the actual 9/11 attacks.

Another weakness of the official story is that the devastating explosions are claimed to have come from crude home-made explosives the bombers are supposed to have made in their bath tub, no less. Initial assessments of experts at the scene of the explosions were that high grade military explosives were used. Only later was the story changed to have the bombers cooking up their own home-made bombs"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

how Bush, Republicans were poisoning America. Herbicide atrazine.

"As the Investigative Fund revealed last week, the herbicide atrazine has been found at levels above the federal safety limit in drinking water in at least four states.

The chemical has been studied for its potential link to breast cancer, prostate cancer, and birth defects, and the EPA considers it to be a potential endocrine disruptor. It is banned in the European Union."

Wiles said that any attempt to restrict atrazine use would likely be blocked by the House Agriculture Committee, who tend to favor the "pro-pesticide farm lobby and pesticide makers." The committee is chaired by Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.)